Leonids meteor shower

17/11/2022 - 18/11/2022 @ 18:30 - 20:30 -

17, 18 November. The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. They produce up to 15 meteors per hour at its peak.

Leonids meteor shower


17/11/2022 - 18/11/2022    
18:30 - 20:30

The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. At its peak, they produce up to 15 meteors per hour. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclic peak of about 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. The last one occurred in 2001.