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Saint Martin day at OLA

11/11/2017 @ 18:30 - 21:30 -

Between the All Saints day and the Saint Martin day there are 11 days that are explained with the Spring equinox. Confused? Come to OLA on the November 11th and between some roasted chestnuts and some wine, we explain how all makes sense.

Young Astronomers

09/12/2017 @ 16:30 - 17:30 -

Saturday the 9th December, the planned activity is the construction of nocturlabes, simple instruments that allow one to know the time by the observation of the Ursa Minoris Constellation (also known as Small Dipper, Small Bear, etc). There are also explored questions such as the Earth rotation, the origin of day and night and the orientation by the North Star.

Science Café – Nobel prize in Physics 2017

09/12/2017 @ 18:30 - 19:30 -

The discovery of gravitational waves is one of the last pieces needed to confirm the Gravitation Theory of Einstein. The Professor Francisco Lobo, will bring us a short historical review of this remarkable discovery and discuss its importance and future usefulness.