Newsletter – Jan2018

Newsletter January 2018

Observatório do Lago Alqueva - OLA


OLA awarded Medal of Scientific Merit
On the past December 8th, on the occasion of the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the elevation of Reguengos de Monsaraz to the administrative category of city, the Observatório do Lago Alqueva – OLA and the Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve were awarded the Medal of Scientific Merit, as they “constitute creative and innovative projects and important support infrastructures to the astrotourism that contribute on an assertive way so that all of those visiting the region can enjoy one of the best skies in the world.
OLA becomes a member of the Portuguese Meteor Network
In the past month two systems of meteor detection were installed in the park of the observatory. The cameras named “Orada” (facing North) and “Luz” (facing South) cover almost all the portuguese airspace. This is a project that OLA joins, integrating the Rede Portuguesa de Meteoros (Portuguese Meteor Network) with the objective of understanding the rate, composition and origin of the debris that hit our planet.

In January and Feburary, the Observatório do Lago Alqueva awaits you!

From Tuesday to Saturday at 18h30
Night stargazing session
A walk through the night sky of the Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve, where one can learn the orientation by the Northern Star, identify constellations and their legends, relate colours of stars with their ages, observe star clusters, nebulas and distant galaxies with the help of telescopes. The explanations are provided in simple language by the OLA’s guides.


Saturdays at 16h30
Young Astronomers
In these activities, the young scientists learn more about Science and Astronomy in an amusing and relaxed environment.

12 Jan at 21h30 – Astronomer for a night
In this night the participants are the astronomers on duty. They learn how to use the main telescope of OLA, to acquire images and process them in order to obtain superb images of distant galaxies and nebulas that they can take back home. Registration limited to a maximum of 5 people.
13 e 14 Jan – Astronomy Course – Module I – The solar system
This first module of three, is coordinated by professor Rui Agostinho. Subjects like solar system formation, the life of our star, the Sun and comets are approached. Recommended for all levels of education and ages.
Café Ciência 20 Jan at 18h30 – Science Café
Popular misconceptions in Astronomy – João Lin Yun (U. Lisboa, IA)
In Science and in particular in astronomy, there are frequent wrong ideas that have become almost general opinion. With the help of the public, several of these misconceptions will be approached and discussed.
27 Jan at 21h30 – Astrophotographer for one nigth
In just two hours, the participants are introduced and practice in our park the definitions that cameras must have in order to give the first steps into landscape astrophotography. Registration limited to a maximum of 5 persons.
3 Feb – Astronomy Course – Module II – Astronomical Observations
This second module of three, ministered by Nuno Santos of OLA’s team, will be focused on observational techniques and telescopes. Recommended for all levels of education and ages.
10 Feb – Graphical Diaries Workshop – Sky Sketchers
Workshop coordinated by the architects Estela Cameirão and Carmen Correia. It consists on learning the concept of Graphic Diary and find in it a free field to experiment several drawing techniques and materials. The participants can draw the building, telescopes and surrounding landscape but also the Moon craters, nebulas and star clusters with the support of OLA’s telescopes.
16 Feb at 21h30 – Astronomer for one night
In this night the participants are the astronomers on duty. They learn how to use the main telescope of OLA to acquire images and process them in order to obtain superb images of distant galaxies and nebulas, and that they can take back home. Registration limited to a maximum of 5 people.
17 Feb – Science Café
Albert Einstein beyond ‘Genius’ – Prof. Paulo Crawford
This discussion about Einstein conducted by Prof. Paulo Crawford, will be focused on the history of the creation of the theory that best characterizes and identifies him, the General Theory, going a little beyond what the series “Genius” has shown us. That analysis will allow to put in evidence how the revolution started by Einstein remains alive in this beginning of the XXI century.
23 Feb at 21h30 – Astrophotographer for one night
In just two hours, the participants are introduced and practice in our park the definitions that cameras must have in order to give the first steps into landscape astrophotography. Registration limited to a maximum of 5 people.


Monsaraz N 38° 26′ 35.5″ W 7° 22′ 01.5″ +351 960361906 Last2Ticket