The dark side of the force
Tiago Barreiro
(Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa & Universidade Lusófona)
What if 90% of what is around us was something mysterious? Something completely transparent, different to normal matter, with strange behaviour? Despite being incredible, this is the Universe we live in. Apparently, more than 90% of our Universe belongs to this dark side of which little is known. Let us discover how come we know so little and illuminate the Dark Universe.
Tiago Barreiro has a first degree on Technological Physics Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and a PhD in Physics from the University of Sussex in the UK. Currently he is a researcher in the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences and teaches at the Universidade Lusófona. He has always focused on cosmology studying issues such as inflation and dark energy.